i'm back, and doing better! i've been thinking about my site a lot and not really doing anything about it, so i figured i would write another journal entry. i'm done with all my big projects and committments for the semester, which feels like a huge weight off my back. i feel confident about tackling finals, i've written off my losses (looking at you physics e&m), and i'm so ready to have a month off from school.

my plans for nanowrimo fell flat when i caught a cold and lost all motivation to write with all the other stressful things happening in novemeber. the new goal is to write over winter break, but i've been entertaining the idea of working on another project instead... specifcally, i've been staring wistfully at my drafts for the first pages of the andromeda complex (my wip webcomic). i could probably get really far if i dedicated a full month to structuring the first two or three chapters and planning out its release, and it'd be nice to have a base to keep working on in spring semester. maybe i should tell my coauthor first before i get too into it. (hi m 👋)

i've been thinking a lot about how much time i spend online. over fall break, when i wasn't out with friends or eating meals with family, i found myself at my computer. it feels kind of miserable to spend the majority of my life on a screen. school demands it of me, as does staying in touch with my friends, but i'm sure i can separate my hobbies from the need to be online always. i'm researching and planning how to break my addiction to my phone, how to get myself away from my computer and out of my room more... it's a hassle, but i think if i ever manage to make progress, it'll be really rewarding. i miss how much i used to read! i want to make space for it in my day again.

i don't have much else to share, so let me just say thank you for keeping up with my site! i've made a lot of internet acquaintances through neocities and it's such a joy to stay in touch with you all :) writing these journal entries often feels like writing to a pen-pal, where i'm just sharing a snapshot of my life, and inviting you to stick around to see how this site (and i) grow.

take care! until next time, — 7